A Conserved Threonine Residue in the Juxtamembrane Domain of the XA21 Pattern Recognition Receptor Is Critical for Kinase Autophosphorylation and XA21-mediated Immunity
… SDS-PAGE (10% gel) was used to separate the proteins. Western blotting was performed as described previously (29) using anti-LexA (Clontech), anti-XB24 (Pacific Immunology), or anti-XB15 (Pacific Immunology) antibodies. Immunoprecipitation of Rice Proteins. …
1.Xuewei Chen, 2.Mawsheng Chern, 3.Patrick E. Canlas, 4. Caiying Jiang1, 5.Deling Ruan, 6.Peijian Cao and 7.Pamela C. Ronald2
The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285, 10454-10463. 1/29/2010