Step 1: Obtain a Formal Quotation:
Please obtain a formal quotation prior to issuance of a Purchase Order or supplying credit card details. Our staff will discuss your project in detail, offer our recommendations and provide a formal quotation that can be used to place the order.

Step 2: Complete PDF Order Form:
If you are sending an antigen to us, please complete our interactive PDF Order Form and include a copy in the package along with the antigen.



Customer-Supplied Antigens:
If providing your own antigen for generation of custom antibodies, please ship the protein (along with a printed copy of the PDF Order Form) to the following address:

Pacific Immunology
1672 Main St. Ste. E #171
Ramona, CA 92065

Peptide Antibody Projects:
Please contact our sales team so that we can provide antigen design assistance (no additional charge) or make recommendations for any modifications that might be necessary for your proposed peptide sequences.
Once a final peptide sequence(s) has been chosen, we will send a formal quotation so that the order can be placed.

Shipping Expenses:
Shipping charges are not included in the price of antibody production services. We can use your FedEx Account # if you prefer.

Method of Payment:
Pacific Immunology® accepts payment via Purchase Order or VISA, MC and AMEX credit cards.

International Orders:
Pacific Immunology® welcomes international orders for custom antibody production services and accepts payments via Wire Transfer, Check or VISA, MC and AMEX Credit Cards.