Identification and characterization of Drosophila Snurportin reveals a role for the import receptor Moleskin/Importin7 in snRNP biogenesis
…Nuclear import is an essential step in small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) biogenesis. Snurportin1 (SPN1), the import adaptor, binds to trimethylguanosine (TMG) caps. A rabbit polyclonal anti-dSNUP antibody (dSNUP) was generated (Pacific Immunology, Ramona, CA) using GST-tagged dSNUP.
Amanda Hicks Natalizio3 and A. Gregory Matera
Mol. Biol. Cell July 24, 2013 mbc.E13-03-0118

Purification and Characterization of Shiga Toxin 2f, an Immunologically Unrelated Subtype of Shiga Toxin 2
…To develop a Stx2a polyclonal antibody, a rabbit was immunized with catalytically inactive Stx2a toxoid (E167Q mutation) and serum was collected by cardiac puncture with exsanguination (procedures performed by Pacific Immunology)…
Craig Skinner, Stephanie McMahon, Reuven Rasooly, John Mark Carter, Xiaohua He
PLoS ONE 8(3): e59760. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059760

Infusion of imaging and therapeutic molecules into the plant virus-based carrier cowpea mosaic virus: Cargo-loading and delivery
…This work is focused on the development of a plant virus-based carrier system for cargo delivery, specifically 30 nm-sized cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV). Whereas previous reports described the engineering of CPMV through genetic or chemical modification, we report a non-covalent infusion technique that facilitates efficient cargo loading…
Ibrahim Yildiz, Karin L. Lee, Kevin Chen, Sourabh Shukla, Nicole F. Steinmetz
Journal of Controlled Release 9 May 2013

Characterization of Neospora caninum macrophage migration inhibitory factor
…The present study is the first characterization of Neospora caninum macrophage migration inhibitory factor (NcMIF). BLAST-N analysis of NcMIF revealed high similarity (87%) to the Toxoplasma gondii MIF. NcMIF was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli in 3 forms…
Guanggang Qua, Raymond Fetterer, Mark Jenkins, Lin Leng, Zhiqiang Shen, Charles Murphyd, Wenyu Hane, Richard Bucala, Wenbin Tuo
Experimental Parasitology 10 July 2013

Mutualistic Polydnaviruses Share Essential Replication Gene Functions with Pathogenic Ancestors
…A polyclonal antibody was then produced by a commercial service (Pacific Immunology) which generated antisera in rabbits by immunizing with ca. 500 µg of affinity purified truncated LEF-9. Antiserum was then purified by nitrocellulose-based immunoaffinity chromatography as previously outlined [65], [66]. The resulting antibody was then used in immunoblotting experiments with control and lef-9 knockdown wasps…
Gaelen R. Burke mail, Sarah A. Thomas, Jai H. Eum, Michael R. Strand
PLoS Pathog 9(5): e1003348. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1003348 May 9, 2013